Exploring new territory
Some things we do alone, others together. For most people, life is a patchwork of those two approaches. But the emphasis, often wrongly, is just too often on alone. We often think that we are alone or that we have to overcome challenges on our own.
Coaching breaks that pattern. We look together at things that you are trying to tackle on your own. And that makes it a lot easier.
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
There are no miracle cures, but coaching is one of the few tools that you can literally use "for everything". You can go either way with it.
Questions that are addressed are, for example:
How do I use my qualities?
I'm too much in my head, how do I get more connection with my body?
How do I make myself more visible?
What styles of communication can I use?
Assertiveness: how to set my boundaries better?
Assertiveness: how to set my boundaries better?
Common Themes
Personal growth
Learn to get more out of yourself, to continue to grow actively, and to realize sustainable growth.
Breaking from "the routine", finding the things that give you energy.
Stress, tension, burnout
Prevent or recover from periods in which you gave too much, or were asked too much of you.
(Performance) anxiety
Together we examine your fears, where they come from and how you can deal with them.
Exploiting talents
Maybe you already know what you excel at, but you are not yet getting the most out of your potential.
Physical complaints
Cramps, back pain, hyperventilation, headache and chronic pain. We look for the cause — and the solutions.
Low energy
Always tired, even if you get more than enough sleep? TATT syndrome (Tired All The Time) is a well-known phenomenon that is becoming more and more common.
And… for everybody
Because no one is "ready". Everyone has an aspect of their life in which they want to grow. A quality they want to make better use of. A recurring pitfall that they want to learn to walk around. Ultimately, coaching helps you improve your life, in the areas where you want it.